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Hey Tired Mama I Want To Tell You That You’re Amazing!

tired mama sitting on couch with toddler

You’re the tired mama.

How many times have you wanted to have a moment to yourself…just one tiny little moment.

Pitter patter, little tiny feet are walking down the hall and into your bedroom.

“Mommy, I want some breakfast.”

You open your tired mama eyes and think, “Didn’t I just go to bed? What time is it?”

The alarm clock looks blurry. You wipe the sleep from your eyes.

6:00 am.

“Go away!”

Okay, you didn’t say that, but you wanted to.

You’re exhausted. You were up with the baby in the night. Finally, the baby fell asleep at 4:00 am.

“Mommy, I’m hungry.”

Why can’t three-year-olds be given sleeping pills?

Finally, you roll out of bed and take your tired mama body down to the kitchen. You pour your cherub-faced toddler a bowl of Cheerios and flick on the cartoons…

“Mommy, I’m hungry.”

You open your tired mama eyes.

It’s 7am.

Your three year old has been unsupervised for a whole hour.

“I’m such a terrible mom.”

Those words wash over you with a tremendous wave of guilt.

Let’s reword that…you’re an amazing mom!

Everything you do each day is for those little munchkins. Rarely do you have time to brush your hair, eat a meal, change your clothes (last night you slept in them), exercise, sleep, use the bathroom…

All because you put your little ones ahead of yourself.

Your a tired mama, but you’re also a superhero!

Every day you risk your health and life for your children.

You would kill any strange man who even attempts to come within one foot of your three-year-old daughter.

You would starve before you saw your children go hungry.

Every night, you go without sleep, so your teething baby can be calmed instead of crying in pain.

Each day you read the same book at least fifty times to your daughter; when instead you would love to curl up to a great fiction novel and escape into a world far away.

You’ve given up your daily Starbucks so the baby could have diapers.

You cancelled your gym membership so your three-year-old could have swimming lessons; to you, this is life or death, she HAS to know how to swim.

Movie night is a Disney flick at home, with two kids on your lap, and a bag of microwave popcorn full of slobber.

Did I hear you say you’re a bad mom?

Really tired mama???

I don’t believe it – not for a second.

You are the sun, moon, and stars to your kids.

When they look at you, they see their fairy grandmother. You are larger than life, more beautiful than a supermodel (yes even with your stretch marks), you sing like an angel and read books like Mr. Rogers.

Go easy on yourself tired mama. Remember to speak kind words into your own soul. You have little people who love you more than life itself.

These busy years will disappear along with the messy bun, yoga pants, and food-stained tops. But these crazy years where you don’t have even one moment to yourself will somehow have a special place in your heart.

When your kids are grown and gone, you will open that tiny door in the corner of your heart, walk in, sit down, grab a little child, sit them on your knee and remember the days when you were the sun, moon and stars to them.

Remember dear mama…go easy on yourself.

You are doing everything you can to survive these tough years. Lower your expectations on your house, cleaning, meals, and laundry.

If your kids ate a bowl of cereal this morning, and got dressed, you deserve a trophy.

Parenting can be hard. You’re doing a great job of loving your kiddos and surviving the tough years.

Remember what your children think of you tired mama…

You are a superhero and an amazing mom!

Read more encouragement for moms: Motherhood The Big Secret Nobody Told Us.

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